SZ Software
- [FZ-GPU](( A fast and high-ratio lossy compressor for scientific computing applications on GPU
- QoZ: Quality-oriented error-bounded lossy compressor
- QoZ2.0: Quality-oriented error-bounded lossy compressor version 2.0
- SZ 2: CPU version of SZ v2.1.
- SZ 1: CPU version of SZ v1.4 (integrated in v2.1; can be turned on in sz.config).
- cuSZ: CUDA version of SZ for GPUs.
- kSZ: A portable accelerator implementation of SZ using Kokkos programming model.
- Interp-SZ: Spline-interpolation based error-bounded compressor.
- DeepSZ: Deep neural network (DNN) model compressor.
- SZauto: SZ with automatic parameter optimization.
- waveSZ: Vivado HLS implementation of SZ for Xilinx FPGAs.
- vecSZ: Vectorized code based on the Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) parallel paradigm.
- SZ3: SZ with loosely-coupled stages support easy custimization.
- Pastri-SZ: A lossy compressor optimized for GAMESS Two-electronic integrals datasets.
- Roibin-SZ: Roibin-SZ - customized for EXAFEL datasets. (see example/roibin_example in SZ2.1 for details).
- MMD-SZ, a.k.a. MDZ: A lossy compressor opotimized for Materials Molecular Dynamics Simulation Datasets.
- SZx: A superfast error-bounded compressor. [need particular permission to access]
- cpSZ: An SZ-based lossy compressor that preserves critical point feature for vector fields.
- QCAT: Quick Compression Analysis Toolkit.
Other products that integrates/uses SZ
- PNetCDF-SZ: a utility package supporting to compress NetCDF data files.
- H5Z-SZ/HDF5: HDF5 filter of SZ.
- MemSZ: Squeezing memory traffic with SZ. Developed by Albin Eldstål-Ahrens and Ioannis Sourdis.
- IoT data compression 1: Robust IoT time series classification with data compression and deep learning.
- IoT data compression 2: An energy efficient IoT data compression approach for edge machine learning.
- AlternativeUniversity: XRHLIB - a free C language source code for reading and writing XRH o files.
- EXAFEL: Data Analytics at the Exascale for Free Electron Lasers.
- EXAALT: Molecular Dynamics at the Exascale.
- HACC: Hardware/Hybrid Accelerated Cosmology Code.
- NYX: An adaptive mesh, cosmological hydrodynamics simulation code.
- ADIOS(2): The Adaptable Input Output System (v2).
- Z-checker: An lossy compression assessment framework/toolkit/library.
- Libpressio: A C++ library with C compatible bindings to abstract lossy compression interface.
- GAMESS: General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System.
- VisAly-Foresight: A Compression benchmark suite for Visualization and Analysis of Simulation Data.
- Reverse Time Migration: Seismic imaging methodology.
- Anaconda: Package management and deployment platform for scientific computing.
- SCIL: Scientific Compression Library.
- SDRBench: Scientific Data Reduction Benchmarks.